Bring your gifts to your community with SUUNA

As a creator, your focus is on delivering your unique gifts to the world. At SUUNA, we’re here to help you amplify your message and grow your community, without the technical or marketing headaches. Whether you’re launching workshops, courses, or exclusive content, we provide everything you need to reach your audience and beyond.

SUUNA Family of Creators

Laura Maria Yara

Rewriting the Sacred Feminine

Laura-Maria Yara is a Mother Earth woman, serving the Divine Mother by rewriting the sacred feminine in the female body. She is a mother, storyteller, traveler of unseen worlds, midwife of transformation, and womb oracle.

Dana Dragomirescu

Dana Dragomirescu

Ecology of Emotions and Relationships

Dana Dragomirescu is a trainer and counselor in relationships and communication through the ESPERE® Method, a classical psychodrama director and trainer-in-training. As a woman, wife, mother, and creator, Dana facilitates workshops and personal development programs. Her mission is to bring practices that support the being as a whole through sensory reconnection, body awareness, and the integration of healthy emotional and relational ecology.

Mallina Lilay Meraki

Mălina Lilay Meraki

Bridging Worlds through Dance

Mălina Lilay Meraki is the creator of The ALTAR of Dance, a facilitator of transformational movement, holistic dance, and embodiment. At her core, she is a traveler, weaving stories between the inner and outer worlds. She integrates holistic dance, yoga, qi gong, Reiki, intuitive movement, feminine practices, movement meditation, rituals, ceremonies, storytelling, and voice activation in her work.

Maria Magdalena Asaftei

Empowering Women through Bodywork

Maria Magdalena Asaftei is a licensed therapist with over 10 years of experience in Bowen, Rejuvance, Gua Sha, and Meridian Flow. Since 2021, she has launched seven online programs designed to educate and inspire women to connect with their bodies and inner selves. Her work is centered on the beautiful physical and energetic systems that make up each of us, offering simple yet powerful techniques for achieving balance and a deeper sense of interconnection. Magda loves the Earth, life, and nature, and enjoys gardening and sweet conversations.

Ioana Lazăr

Nourishing with Conscious Cooking

Ioana Lazăr is the creator of Make a Wish Food Circle, where she has gathered over 10 years of passion for vegan, vegetarian, Ayurvedic, and conscious cooking. Over the years, she has shared her love of food in various ways, from personal bicycle deliveries to individual retreat menus, camps, family events, and pop-up lunches. Recently, she has been sharing her knowledge through online courses on Intuitive Cooking and Introduction to Ayurveda, her deep creative love. Ioana is currently pursuing an international certification in Ayurveda.

Find her Courses and Recipes on

Claudia Constantin

Guiding Conscious Dreamwork and Breathwork

Claudia Constantin is a transpersonal therapist, a guide in conscious dreamwork and expanded perception states, and a facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork. She is also a mother to a daughter, bringing a deep sense of nurturing and care to her work.

Join Claudia's Dream Circles, subscribe to our events calendar.

good things are simple

Community Discoverability

By bringing together communities of multiple Creators, SUUNA offers you a platform where you can get discovered by clients from outside your bubbles. Think of going to a big festival with your favourite tribes. SUUNA is the festival grounds.

Calm Driven
Revenue Share Model

We make money when you do. No upfront costs. And access to modern infrastructures with automated and transparent profit distribution. We keep your nervous system calm. And we always care about your ethical growth.

Technology is our friend

Forget about having to pay for various platforms, or loose your mojo deciding which platform to use. AI? We have them all on our payroll. We can also help you create  content that speaks to your audience's relevant topics. Or host your pre-recorded content in SUUNA Library.

We both Focus on what we Love.

You shouldn't need to have an MBA in Instagram marketing to be able to sell your course. Reels? Shorts? Automated engagement with your audience? We've got you covered.
We call it Human as a Service (HaaS)

Feel you belong?

Fill in the form and we'l reach out to you. That simple.

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Community for Communities


Where communities unite. And where YOU belong - is a constantly evolving project.

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